SLIs, SLOs, SLAs, DevOps and SRE

DevOps Earlier Dev and Operation teams used to work as silos. There used to be barriers between the Developers and Operations team. Developers used to focus on coding/testing the features where as operations focus on maintenance and stability. DevOps is a…

Agile Testing

What is Agile?  Agile project management is an iterative approach to managing software development projects that focuses on continuous releases and customer feedback and requirements keep changing as per the customer needs. What is Agile Testing? Its a software testing practice that…

Agile Ceremonies Format and Sample Agenda

1. Daily StandupDaily Standups are not status meetings. Team swarms everyday and ensures the delivery. Links  Daily-Standup Protocol: 2. Backlog Refinement:      1. Discuss the stories for next sprint including requirements/scope and architecture.              a.…

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